Saving for emergencies
If you had an emergency, would you have enough savings?
Find out more about being prepared for emergencies.
Reducing expenses
Did you know that people who have a budget and stick to it have a better chance of reaching their goals?
Find out more about how to reduce your expenses and get started with a budget.
Being prepared
If the unexpected happened, like death or disability, would your financial needs or your family’s financial needs be taken care of?
Find out more on the ways you can be prepared.
Managing debt
Having more debt than you can afford can be stressful. If you’d like to have more control over your finances, read more here.
Reaching your goals
Saving for goals means:
- having a plan
- managing priorities
- getting your loved ones to help you stay on track with your plan
Watch this webinar about managing money to support you along the way to reaching your goals.
GET HELP! Speak to a licensed financial adviser on
0860 000 381 or email mymoneymatters@alexforbes.com
Health challenges
These days we’re often thinking about health. Are you prepared for health challenges?
Find out more about how to choose the right medical aid for your budget.